Blogging Here Again

After a few months of keeping this blog page alive and trying to redirect people to my website (Link) it appears that people are still coming here more than I expected. So I figured I may as well keep blogging here. My main focus will always be my website but I’ll copy my posts here as well, along with images and photo-shoots etc.

You’ll notice that I have removed most of the pages from this blog  but I will be increasing the number of links on this blog. These will be links to other sites that my work appears on.

So stay tuned and enjoy the ride.



New Blue Gecko Images Blog & Website

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all your visits over the last couple of years. I know my blogging has been, let’s say, a little sparse over the last half a year or so. The good new is I’m back to Blogging again but not here. The link to my new blog & website is below. Over the next few months I will be moving all the info you see here over to my to my new site. I will keep this blog alive while it’s still getting more hits than my new site. Once the traffic has subsided then I will close down this blog.

Once again thanks for following along with me. So I’ll see you over at the new site. Stay tuned for bigger and better things in 2013.

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2 Years On With The Canon EOS 7D


Sept. 2009 Canon announce the Canon EOS 7D.

Nov. 2009. I help organise a product release night for the Canon EOS 7D. I received the camera on the morning of the launch and had to get familiar with this new DSLR before lunch. 150 photos later and I was ready to show off this wonderful piece of machinery. Little did I know that this camera was about to change my photography FOREVER.

Fast forward to Mar. 2010. I make the decision to purchase a Canon EOS 7D for myself. I gathered my 3 Canon EOS 20Ds and other bits and set about raising the funds to buy one. A long time friend and a Second Hand Camera dealer helped me dispose of the excess gear and I was on my way to becoming a 7D fanboy.

Present day. Canon recently announced the new EOS 5D MkIII. This new camera caught my eye and for a brief moment I suffered from EOS ENVY. I wanted one. I all but placed my order for one. I read everything I could get my hands on about the 5D MkIII. History was about to repeat itself.

I took a long look at my gear and went through each and every piece and worked out its resale value and what it would mean to my photography if I sold it. I had spent the last 2 years creating the ideal kit based around the 7D. Could I make this work? In the end reality set in, I would literally have to start my kit again if I went ahead. The cost alone of a new body and 2 new lenses made it unmanageable without a lottery win or a sponsor. (Hint, hint Mr Canon Sir).
